Letter from
the President
Dear Unitarian Universalists,
Throughout these challenges, the UUA’s mission has served as our rudder, to guide us through these turbulent times of change. Our mission is to equip congregations for vital ministries; train and support leaders, both lay and professional; and advance our UU values in the larger world. We do this work through the overarching lens of institutional change, rooted in a commitment to faithfully becoming a more equitable, just and inclusive Unitarian Universalism.
None of this could happen without your support, as congregations and individuals. The UUA reflects the covenant we make to each other as Unitarian Universalists to build something stronger than any of us could be alone. When the UUA shows up for congregations following hurricanes and wildfires, when we help congregations in ministerial transition, when we offer guidelines for pandemic response, when we show up in solidarity to Side with Love for voting rights and human rights–it is because of you and your support of the UUA. You make all of this possible. Thank you for your generosity and for your ways you continue to show up for this faith, for your values and for one another.
Yours in gratitude,
Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Gray