Financials & Support

Your support moves our faith! Every gift allows our Unitarian Universalist Association to equip congregations for vital ministry, to support and train leaders, both lay and professional, and to advance Unitarian Universalist values in the world. Whether you are an individual or family contributing to Friends of the UUA, making a provision for the UUA or your congregation in your estate plans, or a congregation sending in your Annual Program Fund contribution, you are demonstrating your commitment to UU values.

FY22 Expenses

Programs: 68% ($33,846,000)

General and Administration: 21% ($5,862,000)

Stewardship and Development: 8% ($2,327,000)

Rental Expense: 3% ($773,000)

FY22 Income

Annual Program Fund (Congregational Giving): 56% ($9,573,375)

Realized Bequests: 11% ($1,926,406)

Unrestricted: 11% ($1,850,507)

Restricted – Program Support: 8% ($1,353,568)

Endowment: 7% ($1,205,984)

Grants: 6% ($975,000)

International: 1% ($135,707)

FY23 Expenses

Programs: 79% ($35,957,000)

General and Administration: 13% ($6,204,000)

Stewardship and Development: 5% ($2,427,000)

Rental Expense: 2% ($769,000)

FY23 Income

Annual Program Fund (Congregational Giving): 56% ($9,071,412)

Realized Bequests: 8% ($1,353,833)

Unrestricted: 11% ($1,835,596)

Restricted – Program Support: 8% ($1,293,508)

Endowment: 10% ($1,619,655)

Grants: 6% ($975,000)

International: 1% ($134,946)

Thank you

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